Thursday, June 25, 2015

Update on the Beeswax Minding - OY!

Okay, I started with the long hive.   And, when I say 'started' I mean just that.   working from the back I got bout 5 frames in.  1 - nothing 2. small piece of comb 3. small piece of comb with bees all over it. 4 & 5 - comb, lots, capped honey, capped brood lots of bees. ALLSTUCKTOGETHER just like that.  So out comes the long serrated bread knife.  I gingerly cut through the two frames and very easily got through.


Yes it happened again.  a big piece of comb fell to the bottom of the hive.  Without thinking I stuck my hand in there and carefully picked it up.  Rubber banded it back onto the frame and replaced it into the hive.  Right about this time a BUZZZZZZER went off in Bee Land~ Time's Up - Get out! I took them at their warning.  Closed up the hive and will see if the situation improves.

1/2 a hive down nd 1 and 1/2 hives to go.

The Lang hive is not doing well.  I sometimes think "Lang" stands for 'languish'.


  1. Thanks for visiting. My husband's big boss makes enough honey to sell. What kind of honey do your bees make?

  2. I am a published writer for grown ups. My primary school children ask me to write children's books.
