Monday, May 18, 2015

Finally, someone tells it like it is . . .BIOCIDE

They Are Biocides, Not Pesticides -- And They Are Creating an Ecocide | Andrew


I think this must be the most dreaded sound in a TBH.
While inspecting my bees and holding the bars correctly I suddenly heard a big THUNK inside the hive. A large section of comb had dislodged from it's bar and was laying at the bottom of the hive with the bees running around frantically. I had rubber bands in my pocket (good advice I heard at our TBH meeting). After putting rubber bands on a Langstroth frame, I gently picked up the comb and inserted it into the rubber banded area. While all of this was going on, the bees were crawling all over the comb, my hands and the frame. They were not frantic or buzzing, they were just supervising the repair. When it was ready, i put it back into the hive and the bees continued their day. This is one of the reasons I love to work with the bees. When special moments like this happen, I think of them as a gift, a chance to experience something truly awesome.
THUNK!! is a sound I hope not to hear again, any time soon!!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

well, not sure what the heck is going on....

checked the three hives.
didn't see the queens.
saw some drawn comb, and some with honey.
but, i don't think i saw any eggs.

the Lang (Daphne) has a frame that has several queen cups on it. Some are closed. Some open.

now I am watching the hive for signs of SWARMING.

ugh.  and the weather continues to stink.  one and one half days of beautiful weather and now we are back to rain and overcast skies.  stoooopid weather.